We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire.
You can search for RFQ manually or save automatic searches to notify you of new RFQ.
We know that a successful trading takes a lot more than just delivering the goods. Buyers and suppliers need to collaborate, re-think and respond. That’s why we built trade streams.
Our secret weapon to keep collaboration during trading organized. Easily communicate with your clients, share produce photos and gather feedback, all in one place.
When an RFQ takes your eye, write down your quote and submit. If you have questions – ask them, if you have suggestions – make them. Indicate your order capacity and achievable milestones. It’s that easy!
You’re protected from the moment your buyer pays a deposit into your Rucove wallet which is held safe until you deliver the produce.